REVUE DE PRESSE : 666≠88 Rassemblements Rac'NSbm clandestins. Figures NSBM völkisch. Stratégie métapolitique fasciste à posture apolitique de façade. Musée des horreurs White Power
Hendrik Möbus figure NSBM meurtrière d’Allemagne s’affiche faisant promotion du rassemblement Hot Shower autours des Hamerskins de Milan, à Copenhague au Danemark
Ce week-end, Hendrik Möbus (Absurd) a tenté de distribuer des dépliants pour le festival NSBM Hot Shower lors d’un concert à Copenhague. Il a dû se rendre compte que le black metal n’est pas un espace sûr. Ensuite, il y a eu un grand Mimimi du meurtrier condamné Möbus dans le NWN ! Forum. (FF)
Edit: Da der Screenshot schlecht zu lesen ist, gibt es hier nochmal den Text: “Since the organizer posted a statement on Facebook that is outright bullshit, I feel compelled to write here what really happened at the venue “Mayhem”, in Copenhagen, last night. First of all, I was invited by bands playing there. Jesper reserved a ticket on my name so he knew I was coming and needless to say, he knows who I am. I was there on Friday night without any incidents, having a good time with long-time-no-see friends and watching the bands on stage. Last night I returned, again without any problem to enter the venue. I’ve put there some flyers for Hot Shower but was told to don’t do it, what was fine with me. Their festival, their rules. Later me and friends were standing at the right corner of the venue, near to the second exit door which for some unknown reason was opened by the crew even though there was a sign on it saying it must be closed at all times. Anyway, during the Jordablod gig there came four guys sneaking up to us, approaching me and asked me who I am. When I replied “who wants to know?” they started attacking, were jumped by my friends and we all got into a brawl for a few minutes when they eventually fled through the recently opened second door, not without punching my girlfriend too. They were still waiting out on the street, though. I went to the crew asking them to better call the cops because the attackers are still outside, but they refused to do so. Then I went to stage attempting to use a microphone telling the audience that they better get ready for a fight if the attackers return, but the microphone was muted on purpose. Sorry Jordablod for interrupting, was a good performance anyway! When I spoke to one of the crew, presumably Jesper himself?, because I wanted to know how the attackers could have entered without anyone noticing (hard to believe they bought tickets like everyone else, I’d say) he told me he was outside and didn’t see anyone or anything and that people could just sneak past him easily. Well, we decided to stay until the show is over, didn’t want to miss my friends play live and I am not one for running away, either. When Akitsa played, at least a dozen or more masked thugs forced their way into the venue and started fighting with the audience while trying to get to me. Jasper of Vaal defended his New Era/TdG merch table but the attackers toppled it over and I was peppersprayed full face at a close distance. The attackers went out again, many from the audience were chasing them away and police and ambulance arrived at long last while Akitsa resumed playing. Now I read that Antifa attacked me in revenge for the Christchurch killing spree, because I am responsible for this and Breivik too, and that Nationalsocialism in Germany and elsewhere is on the rise because of me, and that’s quite flattering but I couldn’t care less for anything Antifa says or does. I do care, however, when a Black Metal-concert promoter says he has no control over Antifa and they can just do as they please at his festival. It’s plain pathetic if you organize a festival but can’t keep neither guests nor bands safe. People going to concerts organized by Jesper and his crew ought to be aware that anyone can just enter and attack someone while the people in charge look the other way. The second attack, during the Akitsa-show, could have been prevented if Jesper just called the cops or warned the audience, at least. But he didn’t do it, and many more from among the audience got hurt. By the way, the guys of Volahn and Blue Hummingbird on the Left, who play at “Mayhem” tonight, came to me and told me they got my back and they too hate Antifa. Kudos to them, and another lesson for anyone who still believes that Antifa is acting on behalf of “minorities”. They don’t, they have their very own political agenda that they wish to enforce on Black Metal and you can’t counter that with “we are unpolitical” or keep fence-sitting. And if you say you can’t control Antifa, then Antifa controls you.”