From 21 to 24 July 2016 the small village of Simandre sur Suran in France, between Lyon & Geneve welcomes for the second consecutive year the “Viking festival” Ragnard Fest.
Beyond cosplay events (fights, weapons or presentation of Slavic troops), local press timidly asked about the presence of the Ukrainian group Nokturnal Mortum which cained success a few years ago with his sympathies for the Third Reich. What are the current ties between Viking music, fascism, and Nazism?
There are twenty years, Nokturnal Mortum assumed membership of the NSBM scene (National Socialist Black Metal), and more broadly to the “Nazi” ideology of the Pagan Front while distancing himself from the “defeated Nazism” of Hitler .
The group has built its reputation with swastikas and anti-Semitic songs:
“Everything I Own Is Given To The damned jewish tribe My Blood Is Calling Me, And I Will not Calm Down Until I Taste The Smell Of The Moon Whispers Their blood About The Darkness The Stars Are Leading Me Through The Clouds Silver With White People skin Are Gathering To Perform At The Rite Wisemen Are Cursing On The jewish scum And I See The WHITE MAN’S POWER! Spit In jewish faces, Cut Them Into Pieces Let them Choke With Their Lie Let The Woods Grow Up On Their corpses ONLY WHITE MAN’S POWER! We Are The Only Ones To Have The Right For This Land! “” The Call of Aryan Spirit “album Nechrist (Нехристь), 1999, reprinted 14 times since.
In recent years, the group has removed references to Nazism, but retained his macabre disguises and audience.
This is not the only sulphurous group. The leader Rob Darken alias Robert Fudali aka Lord Wind Polish group Graveland is known for his declarations in favor of the supremacy of the “Aryan race” against the “Judeo-Christianity”, and many anti-Semitic remarks on the alleged existence a “Jewish conspiracy”.
This does not prevent the organizers to include Graveland headlining, alongside Nokturnal Mortum, Kroda or Naer Mataron. The latter is known in Greece as the metal band of Giorgos Germenis, both bassist guilty of racist tendency to aggression, and number three … of the criminal and neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party.
Germenis does not hesitate to put in cartridge belts, armed with knives, … With his disciples, he has assaulted vendors in September 2012, then gun attacked the mayor of Athens in 2013. September 28, 2013, an activist of Golden Dawn murdered Pavlos Fyssas, surrounded by 10 accomplices. 4000 weapons were discovered following the justice searches.
The links between some metal groups engaged and Nazi anti-Semitic ideology are multiple. However, it would be wrong to consider that these musicians are “mere admirers” of Hitler. They are part of the movement “Folkish” and more widely in the Odalist ᛟ ideology.
“Folkish ᛟ” is the contraction of “Folk” and “Volkish”. This movement intends Folk music mix pre-Christian, Metal and völkisch movement, current intellectual from Germany of the late nineteenth century who mixed pagan spirituality, Germanic mythology, anti-Semitism and monotheism. Neo-völkisch currents claiming this heritage, claiming a white identity, and pagan mysticism in contemporary issues as opposed modernity, liberalism or immigration.
The lyrics often have themes of nature, war, medieval and mythological past in a romantic rhetoric. The radicalism is not omnipresent, see missing in the words of some groups. Nevertheless they still value the Weltanschauung, which refers to the worldview according to its sensitivity, that is to say according to a grid of identity and xenophobic reading. The discs are sometimes present alongside great metal bands in the great cultural areas, specialized record shops, record stores VPC complacent, for 20 years, but now the music is overwhelmingly Folkish distributed through internet and platforms legal downloading of current popular music: iTunes, … all playing an “enabling” role.
Conceptual fathers of Folkish music are murderers Kristian Vikernes (also terrorist (destruction of churches) and odalist RPG creator ) and Hendrik Möbus, in the 1990s, they are considered the fathers of NSBM. Pagan ideologues, identity, ultra-nationalist “patriots”, “dissidents” “anti-system”, they developed their influence even behind the bars of their prison in Norway and Germany.
Folkish ᛟ the movement is in the ideology Odaliste, born in the 1990s also. After the rune ᛟ “ODAL” of Germanic mythology, it means “property field,” and refers to the idea that the ancient traditions of a community are higher than outdoor crops, based on the beliefs of Germanic mythology, and by extension, Scandinavian, Greek, or Roman slave. The odalism aims to revive European cultures polytheists, that would be all from the same religion dating back to prehistoric times, and that would have changed with the Peoples (Viking, Slavic Aryan, Germanic Arians, Latin Aryan, Celtic …) and travel.
The odalism inspired nationalism ‘blood and soil’ (blood and soil) from the late nineteenth century Germany, which considers descent (blood) and the peasantry (the ground) as essential racial origin people. The “blood and soil” ideology as Volkish have strongly influenced Nazi ideology, justifying the “purity of race” German, destruction of other peoples and appropriating other territories.
The odalism thus violently antisemitic and xenophobic. Jews are perceived as a people apart, as “another Volk” liberal and insoluble in “white European peoples”, echoing the Volkish theories of the nineteenth century. To preserve the purity of the “race” and the own traditions, immigration and miscegenation are also rejected.
During the 2nd World War, the Odal rune was used as the emblem of the 7th SS Division Prinz mountain voluntary Euge, or in the images of propaganda of the Hitler Youth. From 1952 until their ban in 1994, it was the emblem of the Wiking Jugend, a neo-Nazi organization based on the Hitler Youth. Odal was also the name of a neo-Nazi magazine ideologist Richard Walther Darré. But Vikernes defends and assume the paternity of the current definition of odalism “is not a term tainted by history” …
Odalist this ideology is now present in many European countries via the “Pagan Front” directly inspired by the “Heathen Front.” The “Heathen Front” has remained in line with the “Pagan Front” through various joint concerts and public support.
The Norwegian branch is the oldest (Norvegian Heathen Front, or NHF): it was founded in 1993 in the vicinity of Vikernes who kept contact with the NHF even during his imprisonment by transmitting multiple items. This is Mobus who founded the German branch, the most active in 1998 (Allgermanische Heidnische Front, or AHF). Sections in Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Canada, Russia and the United States appear in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
The “Pagan Front” historically unites Slavic groups such as Graveland, Nokturnal Mortum or Kroda, and the radical Greek scene via Der Sturmer, NSBM group Georgios Germinis. His cult album, “The Blood Calls for W.A.R. “Acronym includes assumed” White Aryan Race. ” The “Pagan Front” brings together Volkish metal and NSBM, and ensure publicity and dissemination.
Flyer of the pagan militant Front for the Liberation of Hendrik Mobus:
“We understand our music as a suitable means to convey a message that can go beyond the mere aesthetic pleasure. The auditor should be encouraged to think. We would like it refers to paganism, heard and understood as we understand it and understand it. And that is why we seek to motivate our mates and our fans on political activism “
(Pagan front Ablaze # 4, May / June 2008)
The Pagan Front has published a series of anthologies-manifesto, with its three volumes (1999, 2003, 2007) openly laid the foundation of the movement:
The first disc was partly formalized the term “National Socialist Black Metal”
The second stated intentions and origins through the article reproduced inside (entitled the Pagan Front – Return of the Iron Reich of Black Metal)
The third is accompanied by a list of “commandments”: “Proud National Socialists, against the whole Judeo-Christian influence, zero tolerance for the enemies of our race, Unite under the ship of the swastika, and so on, for lay the ideological-political foundations that are the basis of the organization and affiliated groups support “.
The strategy of the pagan movement Odaliste via the Pagan Front is metapolitical widen. It is investing the ideological and cultural fields (such as music), starting the “people”, before eventually power naturally influence the spheres of power to present an ultra-nationalist white elite. The aim is not political principle, but seeks to influence the people to return to pre-Christian polytheistic values.
In this perspective, where the ideas influencing the values on which the company refers, disseminating Folkish music by Internet, broadcasting of recorded media vinyls, cassettes, DVDs, compact discs, the role of game creation (Vikernes), the blogging (Vikernes), as holding a festival in Ain, can be a way to approach and disseminating neo-Nazi ideals that many of these groups refer directly. This Folkish festival, dubbed naively “Viking Festival” represents a danger to the public is not informed, involved in propagating neo-Nazi ideals to the public, and is reflected as a show of force ideologues Odalistes.